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The actual culture of the people from this planet has been influx by human race culture. Before colonists arrived at Naaroah, natives received the Voyager message sent by the human race. Natives were able to recognize the messages recorded in this probes. Maybe because as it is said, they are actually humans from earth.

They started to listen to all kind of songs and sounds that were recorded. One of the types of music that left a mark on those people, was rock and roll. When they listened to Chuck Berry’s song, they inspired their music in that song. With the arrival of the colonists, there was more influence of rock music because colonists heard native’s music and they kind of like it because it is very similar (or the same) to their rock music. 

On the other hand, there are many ways of expressing their art. For example, they do something similar to mandalas. On Earth, this is a symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism that represents the universe. They do this art on many surfaces as the trunks of the tree, rocks and actually on woman’s skin. This is a very beautiful way of decorating naaroahan's skin for special events, as important meetings, parties or celebrations.


Unknown TrackUnknown Artist

Hawiins girls


Naaroahans were able to reproduce these sounds and they heard Rock and Roll music.

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